Saturday, May 31, 2014

Modified rules for Project 75 Pan

After the disastrous early 2014 where I basically lost control, I decided to modify my Project 75 Pan rules.
  1. I am not  going to buy any cosmetics until I finished up 75 cosmetics. with some caveats. Cosmetics include perfumes, eye shadows and anything that is normally considered cosmetics.
  2. I am allowed to buy as many skin care products as I need. I don't usually by skin care products and I don't want to skimp on skin care. Skin care includes moisturizers, lotions (but not fragrant lotions), cleansers, acne medication and primer (as long as they are not silicone based).
  3. I am allowed to purchase 5 items every time I finish up 25 items. 
  4. I am allowed to have 1 and only 1 subscription service at any given time so that I don't get bored with my makeup collection and go crazy once I finish up 25 items.
  5. I am allowed to buy a PERFUME for special occasions. These occasions include: Birthdays, graduation and when I get straight As without any W. (A girl gotta treat herself for a job well done). 
  6. I have to make monthly empties (if there is any) and monthly updates on products I'm working on.

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